A must-have item as one of TENJIN AGING PIECE. A maintenance brush made from German horse hair. We are particular about high-quality horsehair that is ideal for tanned leather. The standard size fits comfortably in your hand. This size is perfect for TENJIN WAXX leather preservation and brushing, and it allows the wax to spread evenly without damaging the grain of the leather, keeping the leather in a healthy condition. Apply a small amount of TENJIN WAXX directly to the leather with this brush. It is more effective if you use the Aging Brush (L) for brushing when stretching the wax after leaving it for half a day after preserving the leather. The original logo of TENJIN AGING PIECE is our pride in our commitment to maintenance. For everyone who has chosen Tenjin items, or even tanning leather, aging is inseparable. We believe that daily meticulous maintenance is behind quality aging. Maintenance with an aging brush is one of them. "Aging piece" that makes your favorite Tenjin items shine more. Please use it regularly.
- 商品コード
- カラー
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- サイズ
- Width: 155mm, Height: 42mm, Thickness: 35mm
- 素材
- horsehair
- 特記事項
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Since the brand's founding in 2006, we have rebuilt new products with tanned leather centered on American heritage. Leather brand that continues. Tenjin Works considers aging to be products that continue to shine with age. The more you use it and get close to people, the more you develop a unique sense of warmth. He is serious about leather products and pursues what aging is after being used. "Old is Gold"...The journey will be inherited along with its construction.
栃木レザーは、国内でも希少な ベジタブルタンニン鞣し専門のレザーファクトリー。160もの巨大なピット槽で、時間をかけてじっくり鞣し作業を行い、最上級の革が出来上がる。20にも及ぶ細かい作業工程は、今でも機械に頼らずプロの目と手を頼りに進められることが多く、ブランドからのオーダーや特別受注の場合は、さらに複雑な工程を経る。強くて柔らかいヌメ革を追い求めて、長年守り続けてきた匠の仕事。